
Version 4 of Tinkerwell is available now. Get the most popular PHP scratchpad with all its new features and simplify your development workflow today.

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Tempo: The Easiest Way to Work With Dates in JavaScript image

Tempo: The Easiest Way to Work With Dates in JavaScript

Tempo is a new date package designed to be small and is the easiest way to work with dates in JavaScript and TypeScript. It aims to be a small package...

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Easy management of your application settings with Setting Pro image

Easy management of your application settings with Setting Pro

Laravel Setting Pro is a package that provides a simple and effective way to handle your application settings.

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With Laravel 10.44 you can add Model Scopes and Observers using PHP Attributes image

With Laravel 10.44 you can add Model Scopes and Observers using PHP Attributes

The Laravel team released v10.44 this week with two Eloquent model attributes to define global scopes and observers, a new select() collection method,...

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Essential Plugins for PHPStorm Users image

Essential Plugins for PHPStorm Users

We've curated a collection of essential plugins for PhpStorm that we think you’ll enjoy. From our favorite theme to Laravel-specific tools to supercha...

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Five Ways to Be More Productive with Git image

Five Ways to Be More Productive with Git

In this post, I've gathered some of my favorite tools to make working with Git more productive. I'll cover different types of tools, ranging from git...

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Radical Design - A new course by Jack McDade image

Radical Design - A new course by Jack McDade

Radical Design is a new design course by Jack McDade

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Five Tools That Will Make You More Productive on the Command Line image

Five Tools That Will Make You More Productive on the Command Line

I’ve compiled a list of some of the CLI tools I think will make you a better, more productive developer on the command line.

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Streamed JSON Responses Added to Laravel 10.43 image

Streamed JSON Responses Added to Laravel 10.43

The Laravel team released v10.43 with support for streamed JSON responses, passing a class name to register a global eloquent scope, a new insertOrIgn...

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Herd 1.4.0 is now out with a pro version and Windows in the works image

Herd 1.4.0 is now out with a pro version and Windows in the works

Herd 1.4.0 is now released, and this update adds new features, improves existing ones, and comes with an optional Herd Pro.

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New Laravel 11 Apps Include a Health Check Endpoint image

New Laravel 11 Apps Include a Health Check Endpoint

As part of the release of Laravel 11, new applications include a health `/up` endpoint.

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Laravel Reverb image

Laravel Reverb

Laravel Reverb is a first-party WebSocket server for Laravel applications, bringing real-time communication between client and server.

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Make your app faster with PHP 8.3 image

Make your app faster with PHP 8.3

By upgrading to 8.3, you can achieve a significant increase in speed. In this article, we dive into how PHP 8.3 can be a game changer. It can speed up...

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The once() Memoization Helper is Coming to Laravel 11 image

The once() Memoization Helper is Coming to Laravel 11

The once() memoization is coming to Laravel 11 next week. Learn about this unique helper and how it can make sure you get the same result no matter ho...

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Model Casts are moving to methods in Laravel 11 image

Model Casts are moving to methods in Laravel 11

Laravel 11 moves the Model Casts from a property to a method

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Laravel 11 Introduces the Dumpable Trait image

Laravel 11 Introduces the Dumpable Trait

Laravel 11 introduces the Dumpable trait to internally clean up code around dump() and dd(). You can also easily add these to your application and pac...

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Running an old Laravel version? Instant, automated Laravel upgrades and code modernization to keep your applications fresh.

SaaSykit: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit logo

SaaSykit: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit

SaaSykit is a Laravel SaaS Starter Kit that comes with all features required to run a modern SaaS. Payments, Beautiful Checkout, Admin Panel, User dashboard, Auth, Ready Components, Stats, Blog, Docs and more.

SaaSykit: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit
Larafast: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit logo

Larafast: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit

Larafast is a Laravel SaaS Starter Kit with ready-to-go features for Payments, Auth, Admin, Blog, SEO, and beautiful themes. Available with VILT and TALL stacks.

Larafast: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit
All Green logo

All Green

All Green is a SaaS test runner that can execute your whole Laravel test suite in mere seconds so that you don't get blocked – you get feedback almost instantly and you can deploy to production very quickly.

All Green
Lunar: Laravel E-Commerce logo

Lunar: Laravel E-Commerce

E-Commerce for Laravel. An open-source package that brings the power of modern headless e-commerce functionality to Laravel.

Lunar: Laravel E-Commerce
Tinkerwell logo


The must-have code runner for Laravel developers. Tinker with AI, autocompletion and instant feedback on local and production environments.
