Laravel Tutorials

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Optimize Laravel Eloquent Queries with Eager Loading image

Optimize Laravel Eloquent Queries with Eager Loading

Learn how to optimize your related model queries in Laravel with eager loading. We will set up some example relationships and then walk through how qu...

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Laravel 5.5 Responsable Interface for Responses image

Laravel 5.5 Responsable Interface for Responses

A new return type will be supported in Laravel 5.5 routes: the “Responsable” interface. This contract allows objects to be converted to an...

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Image Optimization With Spatie Laravel Image Optimizer image

Image Optimization With Spatie Laravel Image Optimizer

Image optimization can greatly improve site performance, and is one of the most common issues I see in Google pagespeed insights reports. Sometimes im...

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Laravel 5.5 Custom Validation Rule Objects image

Laravel 5.5 Custom Validation Rule Objects

Laravel 5.5 will introduce support for custom validation rule objects as an alternative to using Validator::extend.

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Blade::if() Directives image

Blade::if() Directives

A new Blade addition in Laravel 5.5 will add support for simplifying custom if statements in your views.

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Laravel 5.5 Pivot Casting image

Laravel 5.5 Pivot Casting

A new addition to Laravel 5.5 will add support for pivot table casts when inserting & updating data on an intermediate table model.

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DD and Dump Are coming to Collections in Laravel 5.5 image

DD and Dump Are coming to Collections in Laravel 5.5

Coming to Laravel 5.5 is two brand new methods on the Collections class that will make debugging easier than ever before. These are “dd” a...

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Laravel Package Auto-Discovery image

Laravel Package Auto-Discovery

Package Auto-Discovery is coming to Laravel 5.5 and you’ll no longer have to manually define the Service Provider or Alias in the config app fil...

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Developing a CI Process for Laravel with Codeship and Forge image

Developing a CI Process for Laravel with Codeship and Forge

Codeship empowers developers to efficiently test and deploy web applications with a basic command. This tutorial demonstrates some of the platform’s f...

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Packagist and the PHP ecosystem image

Packagist and the PHP ecosystem

Take a look at how Composer finds its packages, and how to publish packages of your own, and some security considerations when using Composer in your...

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Laravel 5.5. Custom Validator Rules image

Laravel 5.5. Custom Validator Rules

A new feature coming to Laravel 5.5 is a new feature for adding custom validation rules and Taylor has a written up a quick tutorial on it.

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Generate a JSON Feed with Laravel image

Generate a JSON Feed with Laravel

JSON Feed is a new project aiming to put together a formal spec for JSON based RSS feeds and here is an example of how to integrate it into your Larav...

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Laravel throw_if and throw_unless Helpers image

Laravel throw_if and throw_unless Helpers

Coming to Laravel 5.5 is two new helper methods named `throw_if` and `throw_unless` and both are designed to make it easier to throw exceptions.

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Laravel 5.5 Returns the Request Data from the Validator image

Laravel 5.5 Returns the Request Data from the Validator

A new feature coming to Laravel 5.5 is the Validation will now return the request data so you have everything you need.

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Laravel 5.5 Gets Improvements with the Default Error Views image

Laravel 5.5 Gets Improvements with the Default Error Views

Coming in Laravel 5.5 is a new and improved design for the error pages.

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Larafast: Laravel SaaS Starter Kit

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Lucky Media

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Lunar: Laravel E-Commerce

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