During Taylor Otwell's talk at Laracon EU, he announced the release of Laravel 12 and brand new starter kits for Inertia and Livewire:
We've also been working on new starter kits. For the past five or six years, Laravel has had two starter kits: Laravel Breeze and Laravel Jetstream. To simplify the process of getting started with Laravel, we're consolidating that down into one starter kit per stack. [During installation], you can choose to start an empty Laravel app or pick your stack: React, Vue, or Livewire.

Authentication Screens
All new starter kits will have familiar screens like login, register, and forgot password. However, the new version includes more options with component variants such as the split screen login, different dashboard layouts, and more:

Laravel starter kits include more options in designing your dashboard screens. You're not locked into one style as in previous versions, and you can easily pick between a default dashboard layout, a floating sidebar, an inset sidebar, and a header dashboard layout:

The Inertia.js starter kits look identical whether you choose Vue.js or React with ShadCN:
React starter kit:
- Inertia.js 2.0
- React v19 / Vue 3.x
- Typescript
- ShadCN Component Library
- Light mode, dark mode, and system support
- Profile/settings page
Vue starter kit
- Inertia.js 2.0
- Vue 3.x
- TypeScript
- ShadCN (Vue port)
- Light mode, dark mode, and system support
- Profile/settings page
Livewire Starter Kit
Livewire developers are going to enjoy the new starter kit! Taylor announced that the Livewire Starter Kit will include Flux UI components under a new free tier, including everything foundationally needed to build UIs in Livewire quickly. Although we will learn more leading up to the release, Taylor shared that the Livewire starter will "give you the basic building blocks you need for building Livewire and Flux powered apps, while Flux Pro will be reserved for really intensive components like charts, editors, and things like that...I think this is really going to supercharge the Livewire community."

So far, we know each starter kit will be pulled in from separate Github repos and installed directly into your app. This will allow you complete control over all the code instead of being hidden inside your vendor like a package.