This year is coming to a close and to celebrate I put together this post of all the greatest hits each month. This features cool packages, resources, and tutorials that came out over the year.
On Community Taylor’s post on his reaction when Laravel became the most starred PHP framework
Vaprobash Chris Fidao started the popular Vagrant Provisioning Bash Scripts project.
Switching to PhpStorm I made the switch and haven’t looked back. That says a lot if you know me.
BrainSocket A Laravel package that allows you to get up and running with real-time event-driven PHP apps using WebSockets.
What is the IoC Container Vegi Bit wrote up a tutorial explaining the IoC container
Laravel Envoy was released I <3 Envoy :)
Laravel Tricks Went Open Source Nice of those guys to share all their hard work with the community.
Laravel Cookbook Chris Pitt released his book and I did a review of it.
Goodbye Laravel Bundles My first Laravel app became deprecated. Thanks Composer.
Blade on Steroids Providing some additional features to Laravel Blade.
Organizing Snappy Taylor shared how he structured the Snappy codebase.
Cashier was announced Taking the pain out of recurring billing.
Using Composer without Git-Ignoring Vendor Lorna Jane shared her method and I also shared how we set it up with Snappy.
PhpStorm Tips and Tricks I asked the community for their best tips and tricks.
Neurotic Laravel Laravel’s comments are border line OCD. :)
Dispatcher was released Artisan command used to schedule artisan commands within your project so you don’t need to touch your crontab when deploying.
Honeypot Spam prevention for Laravel apps.
Where did the name Laravel come from? Sort of well known now.
March also featured #facadegate but I’ll skip rehashing any of that :)
Protect or disable Artisan commands in production Chris Duell shared a great tip which later was added to the core.
Blade Template Extraction Chris Pitt shared ways of extracting your views and I shared mine.
Single Page Laravel Application I wrote up a blog post in response to a question I received.
Laravel Tip – Break up your routes A fun post with some great comments.
Laravel Plugin for Oh My ZSH Make your terminal better, stronger, and faster.
Also in April we discovered TDD is dead or not dead.
10 Minutes with Tim Griesser Tim ported Eloquent to Node and gave a talk at Laracon NY
Rebuilding Laravel Chris Pitt started his popular rebuilding Laravel series.
The Laravel Dragon The mystery of the Laravel Dragon.
How to be awesome in Phpstorm Laracasts gave us 25 videos to be more efficient with Phpstorm.
Laracon NY Photos The conference of selfies.
Laravel Forge Forge was announced as part Taylor’s talk at Laracon
Laravel Homestead To go along with Forge, homestead was released.
The Artisan Files I started off this new series.
Laravel 4.2 is released PHP 5.4, better integration with Homestead and forge, Cashier, new Mail Drivers
Things Developers Say There is so much back-knowledge needed to be a web developer today that many are derailed for months trying to learn everything they need to know before they can learn anything at all.
Validating, a validation trait for Laravel Ensures that models meet their validation criteria before being saved.
Stapler Stapler works by attaching file uploads to database table records.
Eloquent Sluggable A slug trait for your models.
Wildcard Subdomains with Laravel Forge A tutorial showing you just how easy this is.
Announcing LaraJobs The UserScape team launched a Laravel Job Board
Getting started with Doctrine 2 and Laravel Philip Brown created a tutorial on getting started with Doctrine in Laravel
Inviting Arkansas interviewed Taylor Otwell It’s a rather funny interview. A classic non-tech journalist.
Laravel Virtuoso Increase flexibility and reduce code duplication by easily composing complex View Composers.
Blade “or” operator Simple ternaries in Blade
Laravel’s Future Taylor goes part-time at UserScape
Phpstorm gets blade support Highlighting, completion, navigation, find usages, inspections, folding, custom directives and more
Laracasts launched a forum I’m glad I took a screenshot with this post, they have changed a lot since then.
iSeed Inverse seed generator (iSeed) is a Laravel 4 package that provides a method to generate a new seed file based on data from the existing database table.
New Laravel 5 features All the new features for Laravel 4.3, I mean 5.0. This list is out of date now.
Laravel ElePHPant Support the Laravel project and show that you love PHP with the Laravel ElePHPant. Add Liona to your collection!
Laravel 4.3 became 5.0 And all the posts referencing 4.3 became 404’s :)
Laravel Liferaft Codepen for Laravel!
Blade Changes in Laravel 5 Some important changes to the way data is escaped.
**No Capes **Kayla Daniels started her No Capes project.
Laravel Blade @each Easy way of looping a collection
Searchable, a search trait for Laravel Searchable is a trait for Laravel 4.2+ that adds a simple search function to Eloquent Models.
Tips for versioning a Laravel API Chris Pitt created a tutorial giving tips on versioning of an API
**Full Stack Radio **Adam Wathan started a new podcast.
Larvel™ a new enterprise framework Chris released a new framework. Parody of course.
Laravel’s Future Part 2 Taylor announces he is going full time with Laravel.
Homestead 2.0 Laravel released version 2.0 of Homestead
Laravel 5 Scheduler A brand new feature coming in Laravel 5 is an Artisan scheduler.
Station – A development framework for Homestead Station is a simple, module based framework for customizing the laravel/homestead vagrant environment.
Tuts Plus Covers the IoC container Jason Lewis shows you everything you need to know about Laravel’s IoC Container
**Composer got a massive speed increase **and developers across the world said, THANK YOU!
Laravel Forge with Namecheap SSL I move Laravel News to an SSL and documented some of the steps.
**Laravel PHP_CodeSniffer **Antonio Ribeiro released a Laravel code sniffer package.
**10 things that will make you a better developer **Christoph Rumpel asked 10 developers what they think will make you a better developer. I added my three to this post.
Five Minutes with PHP Bard You should just read it. It’s great :)
**Five Minute Geek Show **Matt Stauffer started a new vlog or podcast. I’m not sure what it’s called but I like it.
In Laravel 5 – dd gets an upgrade Laravel 5 has replaced the dd(), dump and die, function to use Symfony VarDumper
Wrap Up
2015 is going to be exciting with the release of Laravel 5, and all the tutorials and packages that are sure to follow. A huge thanks to the community for sharing in 2014.

Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.