Find Laravel Code and Packages with GitHub’s New Topics Feature
Published on by Eric L. Barnes
Yesterday, GitHub announced a new “topics” feature that allows you to tag your repositories so that people can search for similar projects. Many Laravel related repo’s have already started utilizing this and you can use this as a way of finding projects. Here is an example Laravel Package search.
As a little Laravel history back in January 2012, we launched the first bundle app which was a way of grouping all these.
It had a short lifespan because v4 released a few months after the launch and moved to Composer. So there wasn’t a real need to keep it. Now that GitHub is included this feature and using power sorting through machine learning and natural language processing, as well as stars, forks, etc. It’ll be a really nice way of keeping up with what is going on.
If you haven’t tagged your package yet it’s real simple, just visit your repo and under the description add the topics you want.
Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.