Full stack developer Timo Prüße has created a Guzzle middleware that helps you set up advanced API request throttling within your Guzzle handler stack.
Here’s the description from the GitHub repository about what guzzle-advanced-throttle
can do for external APIs that you are using that might have rate limits:
A Guzzle middleware that can throttle requests according to (multiple) defined rules. It is also possible to define a caching strategy, e.g. get the response from cache when the rate limit is exceeded or always get a cached value to spare your rate limits.
Guzzle Middlware Package
If you need to use the middleware directly outside of a Laravel project, you configure your rules as follows, which shows how flexible the middleware can be:
use hamburgscleanest\GuzzleAdvancedThrottle\RequestLimitRuleset; $rules = new RequestLimitRuleset([ [ 'host' => 'https://www.google.com', 'max_requests' => 20, 'request_interval' => 1 ], [ 'host' => 'https://www.google.com', 'max_requests' => 100, 'request_interval' => 120 ]]);
And here’s how you add the middleware to your handler stack within Guzzle:
$stack = new HandlerStack();$stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler());$stack->push((new ThrottleMiddleware($rules))->handle()); // Pass the stack to the client$client = new Client([ 'base_uri' => 'https://www.google.com', 'handler' => $stack]);
Laravel Package
Timo has a Laravel Wrapper package for this Guzzle middleware, which makes it easy to configure the cache and rules for use within a Laravel application.
You can use the GuzzleThrottle
facade in your Laravel projects to get a new Guzzle client instance with the Guzzle rate limit caching Handler stack:
$client = GuzzleThrottle::client([ 'base_uri' => 'https://www.google.com']);
And here’s what the example configuration looks like from the project’s README:
return [ 'cache' => [ // Name of the configured driver in the Laravel cache config file / Also needs to be set when "no-cache" is set! Because it's used for the internal timers 'driver' => 'default', // Cache strategy: no-cache, cache, force-cache 'strategy' => 'cache', // TTL in minutes 'ttl' => 900 ], 'rules' => [ [ // host (including scheme) 'host' => 'https://www.google.com', // maximum number of requests in the given interval 'max_requests' => 20, // interval in seconds till the limit is reset 'request_interval' => 1 ], [ // host (including scheme) 'host' => 'https://www.google.com', // maximum number of requests in the given interval 'max_requests' => 100, // interval in seconds till the limit is reset 'request_interval' => 120 ] ]];
Learn More
If you want to learn more about the guzzle-advanced-throttle
middleware, check out hamburgscleanest/guzzle-advanced-throttle. For the accompanying Laravel package, check out hamburgscleanest/laravel-guzzle-throttle.
Timo Prüße is @TimoPruesse on Twitter, and Chroma91 on GitHub.