Streamed JSON Responses Added to Laravel 10.43

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Streamed JSON Responses Added to Laravel 10.43 image

The Laravel team released v10.43 with support for streamed JSON responses, passing a class name to register a global eloquent scope, a new insertOrIgnoreUsing Eloquent method, and more.

This release was tagged on January 30th, but there are some excellent features added that we wanted to highlight. Here’s what’s new in the latest Laravel 10 release:

Add Support for Streamed JSON Responses

Peter Elmered contributed support for the StreamedJsonResponse that was added in Symphony 6.3. The benefit is less memory usage for large data payloads.

Here’s an example of how you can use it from the pull request description:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Generator;
use App\Models\User;
class ExampleController extends Controller
public function index()
return response()->streamJson([
'users' => $this->yieldUsers(),
protected function yieldUsers(): Generator
foreach (User::query()->cursor() as $user) {
yield $user;

Along with the streamJson method is a new test helper to assert streamed JSON content:

'data' => [
['id' => 1],
['id' => 2],
['id' => 3],

You can learn more about this Symphony feature from their HttpFoundation Component documentation for Streaming a JSON Response.

New Eloquent insertOrIgnoreUsing Method

Trevor Morris contributed an insertOrIgnoreUsing method that “allows for bulk insert using sub-select to be successful if there are key conflicts, in connectors that support the ‘ignore’ functionality”:

$result = $builder->from('table1')->insertOrIgnoreUsing(
function (Builder $query) {
$query->select(['bar'])->from('table2')->where('foreign_id', '=', 5);
// MySQL:
// insert ignore into `table1` (`foo`) select `bar` from `table2` where `foreign_id` = ?'
// PostgreSQL:
// insert into "table1" ("foo") select "bar" from "table2" where "foreign_id" = ? on conflict do nothing

New Schema hasIndex() Method

Hafez Divandari contributed a Schema::hasIndex() method along with a few other methods that can be used as follows:

Schema::hasIndex('users', 'my_index_name');
Schema::hasIndex('users', ['email']);
Schema::hasIndex('users', ['email'], 'unique');
Schema::hasIndex('users', ['id'], 'primary');
Schema::hasIndex('users', ['name', 'title'], 'fulltext');
Schema::getTableListing(); // string[]
Schema::getIndexListing('users'); // string[]

Use Class Names When Adding Global Scopes

Eliezer Margareten contributed the ability to pass a scope class name when adding a global scope to a model:

* The "booted" method of the model.
protected static function booted(): void

In addition to that update, Eliezer contributed an addGlobalScopes() method, which lets you register several global scopes at once:

* The "booted" method of the model.
protected static function booted(): void
static::addGlobalScopes([FirstScope::class, SecondScope::class]);

New storage:unlink Artisan Command

Mikhail Salkov contributed a new Artisan command that deletes all symbolic links:

php artisan storage:unlink

Release notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 10.42.0 and 10.43.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:


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