Laravel 5 is Released!
Published on by Eric L. Barnes
It’s an exciting week for Laravel. The Laracon 2015 sites launched yesterday and today Laravel 5 has been tagged and is now officially released. Along with this release the home page features a brand new design.
This version features more than 22 new features and I covered them here on Laravel News last week. Check out all the new Laravel 5 features to see what’s in store.
I haven’t been able to decide my favorite feature but I’ve been really enjoying Elixir and Scheduler for the project I’m working on. I’m excited to jump into all the others as I’m sure you are.
I’d like to send a huge thank you to Taylor Otwell and everyone who contributed to this release. The community is stronger than ever and I’m hoping I get to personally meet many of you over the next year.
Be sure and join the weekly Laravel Newsletter to stay up to date on everything. I’m positive that an abundance of packages, tutorials, and applications will be coming out.

Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.