Laravel Docs workflow for Alfred by Till Krüss is a workflow for searching the Laravel documentation from Alfred directly. I installed this workflow today and let me say that if you’re on a Mac, you should install this workflow right now.
Pro tip: Why go to, if you can search the Laravel docs right within Alfred?
— Till Krüss (@tillkruss) July 30, 2018
You can search the Laravel documentation by opening up Alfred and prefixing your search with “ld ” and then the search term. So for example:
ld http tests
From here, I can press return or Command + 2 (etc.) to go to the documentation on testing JSON APIs.
While the search is up, you can press Command + Y to get a quick look at the result:
The search is very accurate, and most of the time I’m immediately in the location of the documentation that I need to reference in seconds.
Check out Till’s repo and download this workflow: GitHub – tillkruss/alfred-laravel-docs: An ultra-fast Laravel docs search workflow for Alfred 3
You might know Till Krüss from his work on keeping the Laravel Framework changelog up to date, as well as announcing new versions of Laravel on the official Laravel Announcements – Medium page. Thanks for the excellent workflow Till!