Laravel Homestead the Vagrant box for easily running Laravel on any platform has just released v4.0 that includes support for the just released PHP 7.1.
The upgrade is easy but the instructions do vary depending on how you have it installed. Below is a quick run through on how it’s done:
Backup all your Homestead databases
This is not required since the box name has changed. However, it’s still not a bad idea so you don’t lose any of your test data:
vagrant@homestead:~/Sites$ mysqldump -u homestead -p --all-databases > alldbs.sql
Homestead Global Install
Next, if you have Homestead installed globally:
cd /path/to/homesteadgit fetch origingit checkout v4.0.0vagrant destroyrm -rf .vagrantvagrant up
Homestead Per-Project Install
Or, if you have Homestead installed per project adjust the composer.json to reference the new version:
"laravel/homestead": "^4.0"
Next run the following commands:
composer updatevagrant destroyrm -rf .vagrantvagrant up
For more information on this release and to learn how to lock your Homestead version down to PHP 7 see this post by Joe Ferguson who helped put together this release.
Editors note: Updated to add the tip for backing up all the databases first.

Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.