Welcome to the next version of Laravel News
Last updated on by Eric L. Barnes
I announced back at Laracon US that I was going to go full-time on Laravel News, and one of the first things I wanted to accomplish was to rebuild the site with a fresh design. I'm happy to report that it is now complete.
The new site runs on Laravel, Livewire, and Tailwind, with PicPerf optimizing the images. We heavily use wire:navigate
to make it feel super snappy. It also includes new features, including a reworked community links section that will now also include a "trending section" so it's easier to see what links are the most popular each week. Along with this is a new account area where you can see the links you've submitted and their scheduled publish time. We will continue manually approving because I don't want spam to take over.
Another new section is a partner directory. All the products and services listed here are why I can run the site and keep it going. Running a news site takes a lot of labor and a lot of love. Having partners like them helps make Laravel News possible. If you are ever considering hiring a Laravel development company, software to improve your life, or training resources, please consider the listed companies. They are all awesome. I'd also like to send a huge shout-out to the following Gold level partners for trusting me enough to sign up before the site even went live:
* LaraJobs
* Forge
* Tinkerwell
* Oh Dear
* Honeybadger
The next new feature is related to the newsletter. Over the years, I've been asked multiple times for an archive of past newsletters, and honestly, the service I use doesn't make this easy. So, I spent some time with their API and was able to pull up web views for all of them. You can see the last year of archives here.
Finally, a big shout out to Jason Beggs, who converted the design to Tailwind and Livewire.
If you find any bugs or issues with the new site you can report them to the laravelnews/site-bugs Github project.
Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.