A lightweight package for testing Laravel views.
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Nunomaduro Laravel-mojito Readme
About Mojito
Mojito was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is a lightweight package for testing Laravel views in isolation.
Installation & Usage
Requires PHP 8.0+
Require Mojito using Composer:
composer require nunomaduro/laravel-mojito --dev
How to use:
class WelcomeTest extends TestCase{ // First, add the `InteractsWithViews` trait to your test case class. use InteractsWithViews; public function testDisplaysLaravel() { // Then, get started with Mojito using the `assertView` method. $this->assertView('welcome')->contains('Laravel'); }}
Optionally, you can also perform view testing from your HTTP Tests:
class WelcomeTest extends TestCase{ public function testDisplaysLaravel() { $response = $this->get('/'); $response->assertStatus(200); $response->assertView()->contains('Laravel'); }}
Asserts that the view contains the given text.
$this->assertView('button')->contains('Click me');$this->assertView('button', ['submitText' => 'Cancel'])->contains('Cancel'); $this->assertView('welcome')->in('title')->contains('Laravel');$this->assertView('welcome')->in('.content')->contains('Nova');
Asserts that the view has no text content.
Note: empty html nodes are not considered in this check.
Filters the view and returns only the first element matching the selector.
$this->assertView('welcome')->first('.links a')->contains('Docs');
Asserts that the view has the given selector.
$this->assertView('button')->has('button'); $this->assertView('welcome')->has('head');$this->assertView('welcome')->in('body')->has('.content');
Asserts that the view root element has the given attribute value.
$this->assertView('button')->hasAttribute('attribute', 'value');$this->assertView('button')->hasAttribute('data-attribute', 'value'); $this->assertView('welcome')->hasAttribute('lang', 'en');$this->assertView('welcome')->in('head')->first('meta')->hasAttribute('charset','utf-8');
Asserts that the view has an element with the given class.
$this->assertView('button')->hasClass('btn'); $this->assertView('welcome')->in('.content')->at('div > p', 0)->hasClass('title');
Asserts that the view has an element with the given link.
$this->assertView('button')->hasLink(route('welcome')); $this->assertView('welcome')->in('.links')->first('a')->hasLink('https://laravel.com/docs');$this->assertView('welcome')->in('.links')->at('a', 6)->hasLink('https://vapor.laravel.com');$this->assertView('welcome')->in('.links')->last('a')->hasLink('https://github.com/laravel/laravel');
Filters the view and returns only the elements matching the selector.
$this->assertView('welcome')->in('.links a')->contains('Laracast');
Filters the view and returns only the last element matching the selector.
$this->assertView('welcome')->last('.links a')->contains('GitHub');
Asserts that the view has a given metatag in the head section.
$response->assertView()->hasMeta(['property' => 'og:title']);$response->assertView()->hasMeta(['property' => 'og:title', 'content' => 'Laravel']);
Feel free to add your own macros to the ViewAssertion::class
use NunoMaduro\LaravelMojito\ViewAssertion; // Within a service provider:ViewAssertion::macro('hasCharset', function (string $charset) { return $this->in('head')->first('meta')->hasAttribute('charset', $charset);}); // In your tests:$this->assertView('welcome')->hasCharset('utf-8');
Thank you for considering to contribute to Mojito. All the contribution guidelines are mentioned here.
You can have a look at the CHANGELOG for constant updates & detailed information about the changes. You can also follow the twitter account for latest announcements or just come say hi!: @enunomaduro
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Mojito is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Software engineer at @laravel — working on Laravel, Forge, and Vapor. Created @pestphp, @laravel-zero, collision, @openai-php, php insights, termwind, etc.