Extensions for Postgres Laravel

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Laravel PG extensions

This project extends Laravel's database layer to allow use specific Postgres features without raw queries.


Run this command to install:

composer require umbrellio/laravel-pg-extensions


Extended table creation


Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

Extended Schema USING


Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
//modifications with data...
Schema::table('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
->using("('[' || number || ']')::character varying")

Create views


// Facade methods:
Schema::createView('active_users', "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1");
// Schema methods:
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
->createView('active_users', "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1")

Get foreign keys


// Facade methods:
/** @var ForeignKeyDefinition[] $fks */
$fks = Schema::getForeignKeys('some_table');
foreach ($fks as $fk) {
// $fk->source_column_name
// $fk->target_table_name
// $fk->target_column_name

Extended unique indexes creation


Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

If you want to delete partial unique index, use this method:

Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

$table->dropUnique() doesn't work for Partial Unique Indexes, because PostgreSQL doesn't define a partial (ie conditional) UNIQUE constraint. If you try to delete such a Partial Unique Index you will get an error.

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY examples_new_col_idx ON examples (new_col);
ALTER TABLE examples
ADD CONSTRAINT examples_unique_constraint USING INDEX examples_new_col_idx;

When you create a unique index without conditions, PostgresSQL will create Unique Constraint automatically for you, and when you try to delete such an index, Constraint will be deleted first, then Unique Index.

Exclude constraints creation

Using the example below:

Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
->exclude(['date_start', 'date_end'])
->using('type_id', '=')
->using('daterange(date_start, date_end)', '&&')
->with('some_arg', 1)
->with('any_arg', 'some_value')

An Exclude Constraint will be generated for your table:

ALTER TABLE test_table
ADD CONSTRAINT test_table_date_start_date_end_excl
EXCLUDE USING gist (type_id WITH =, daterange(date_start, date_end) WITH &&)
WITH (some_arg = 1, any_arg = 'some_value')
WHERE ("deleted_at" is null)

Check constraints creation

Using the example below:

Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
->check(['date_start', 'date_end'])
->whereColumn('date_end', '>', 'date_start')
->whereIn('type_id', [1, 2, 3]);

An Check Constraint will be generated for your table:

ALTER TABLE test_table
ADD CONSTRAINT test_table_date_start_date_end_chk
CHECK ("date_end" > "date_start" AND "type_id" IN [1, 2, 3])


Support for attaching and detaching partitions.


Schema::table('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
'from' => now()->startOfDay(), // Carbon will be converted to date time string
'to' => now()->tomorrow(),

Check existing index

Schema::table('some_table', function (Blueprint $table) {
// check unique index exists on column
if ($table->hasIndex(['column'], true)) {

Numeric column type

Unlike standard laravel decimal type, this type can be with variable precision

Schema::table('some_table', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->numeric('column_with_defined_precision', 8);
$table->numeric('column_with_defined_precision_and_scale', 8, 2);

Custom Extensions

1). Create a repository for your extension.

2). Add this package as a dependency in composer.

3). Inherit the classes you intend to extend from abstract classes with namespace: namespace Umbrellio\Postgres\Extensions

4). Implement extension methods in closures, example:

use Umbrellio\Postgres\Extensions\Schema\AbstractBlueprint;
class SomeBlueprint extends AbstractBlueprint
public function someMethod()
return function (string $column): Fluent {
return $this->addColumn('someColumn', $column);

5). Create Extension class and mix these methods using the following syntax, ex:

use Umbrellio\Postgres\PostgresConnection;
use Umbrellio\Postgres\Schema\Blueprint;
use Umbrellio\Postgres\Schema\Grammars\PostgresGrammar;
use Umbrellio\Postgres\Extensions\AbstractExtension;
class SomeExtension extends AbstractExtension
public static function getMixins(): array
return [
SomeBlueprint::class => Blueprint::class,
SomeConnection::class => PostgresConnection::class,
SomeSchemaGrammar::class => PostgresGrammar::class,
public static function getTypes(): string
// where SomeType extends Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type
return [
'some' => SomeType::class,
public static function getName(): string
return 'some';

6). Register your Extension in ServiceProvider and put in config/app.php, ex:

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Umbrellio\Postgres\PostgresConnection;
class SomeServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void

TODO features

  • Extend CreateCommand with inherits and partition by
  • Extend working with partitions
  • COPY support
  • DISTINCT on specific columns
  • ...


Released under MIT License.


Created by Vitaliy Lazeev & Korben Dallas.


  • Fork it ( https://github.com/umbrellio/laravel-pg-extensions )
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/my-new-feature)
  • Create new Pull Request
Supported by Umbrellio

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