PHP Monitor is a lightweight macOS menubar app for managing PHP and Valet services. It helps you manage multiple PHP instances, switch between PHP versions, locate config files, and gives you helpful information about your setup:
As you can see in the screenshot, it surfaces other useful PHP information from the php.ini file like memory limit, max post size, and max upload size. If you need to restart all brew services to change PHP versions and restart Valet, this app can help with an easily-accessible GUI.
You can install this app using macOS Homebrew:
brew tap nicoverbruggen/homebrew-caskbrew install --cask phpmon
You can learn more about this app, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. PHP Monitor is written in Swift and is an excellent example if you've never looked into developing macOS apps utilizing the menu bar. If you find PHP Monitor useful, consider starring the project and donating.