Laravel Voyager has reached a version 1.0. And, just in case you haven’t heard of Voyager, Voyager is an awesome Laravel Admin package that can help you with all your administrative tasks such as adding users, editing users, managing permissions, uploading files, creating menus, and so much more!
Voyager has a BREAD system which allows you to create BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete) views for any database table.
As an example, say that you created a products
table, you can then go into Voyager and add BREAD to that table. Which means you can specify each row as an image, textbox, checkbox, etc. Then, you will easily be able to Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete products on your website.
Make sure you are aware that Voyager is not a CMS. It is simply an admin for your Laravel app. Both Laravel and Voyager are simply tools to help you build out your application. You still have full control over how your application will function. You’re still in the driver seat; Voyager will just help steer you in the right direction.
Voyager also has an all-new section on their website called Voyager Academy which is a video series teaching you all the basics about Voyager and how to use it.
Be sure to check out the Voyager Academy and the official website.
Lastly, take a look at the official Voyager Promo video:
Hey There, My name is Tony and I'm a Laravel/PHP Developer. I love creating and learning cool new things. Be sure to checkout my site at