ZSH Auto Suggestions
Published on by Paul Redmond
ZSH autosuggestions is a stand-alone plugin for ZSH that you can also easily incorporate as a plugin for the popular Oh-My-ZSH Zshell framework. This plugin was created by Eric Freese and supported by various contributors.
The readme describes ZSH autosuggestions as “Fish-like autosuggestions for ZSH.” If you are also not familiar with the fish shell, it’s another command line alternative to bash shell.
ZSH autosuggestions plugin shows possible suggestions as you type based on your command history. If you want to complete the entire command, you press the → key, and to proceed to the next word you press the “forward word” key.
Check out the GitHub zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions repository for installation instructions and key bindings in case you want to change them. If you’re a ZSH user, give this a try—it’s super useful!