File Manager Package for Livewire
Published on by Paul Redmond
The Livewire File Manager package brings a simple, friendly, and practical file manager designed specifically for Laravel applications. This package makes managing folders and files in Livewire easy and seamlessly integrates with Laravel's ecosystem.
Some of the features include:
- Drag & drop files
- Search for files or folders
- Ready to include in any projects
- Multiple languages (en, es, fr, pt)
- Darkmode available
Under the hood, this package utilizes Spatie's Medialibrary to manage files, and a provided Livewire component that you render where you want to include the file manager:
<x-livewire-filemanager />
Once you configure this package and render the file manager, the interface will look like the following with the package defaults:
You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub.