Laravel Horizon Prometheus Exporter
Published on by Eric L. Barnes
This package allows an easy way to expose your Laravel Horizon Metrics to Prometheus, a scraping service that allows you to easily store and scrape information from your application or server. Prometheus doesn't know about your application, so you'll need an exporter and that is what this package is designed for.
composer require lkaemmerling/laravel-horizon-prometheus-exporter
Then you can publish the config using:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=LKDevelopment\\HorizonPrometheusExporter\\HorizonPrometheusExporterServiceProvider
Custom Metrics
After you have it installed and published the config you can add or remove the exporters to suit your needs:
"exporters" => [ CurrentMasterSupervisors::class, JobsPerMinute::class, CurrentWorkload::class, CurrentProccesesPerQueue::class, FailedJobsPerHour::class, HorizonStatus::class, RecentJobs::class],
For more details on the package visit the GitHub repo
Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.