Laravel Exchange Rates is a package by Ash Allen for interacting with the API. The API provides the latest exchange rate data as well as historical rates.
Here’s a few usage examples you can expect from this package:
First, you can get available currencies:
$exchangeRates = new ExchangeRate();$exchangeRates->currencies();
Get the exchange rate between two countries:
$exchangeRates = new ExchangeRate();$exchangeRates->exchangeRate('GBP', 'EUR');
You can get an exchange rate between dates:
$exchangeRates = new ExchangeRate();$exchangeRates->exchangeRateBetweenDateRange( 'GBP', 'EUR', Carbon::now()->subWeek(), Carbon::now());
The following will convert 1GBP (£1 = 100 pence) to the euro:
$exchangeRates = new ExchangeRate();$exchangeRates->convert(100, 'GBP', 'EUR', Carbon::now());
You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub at ash-jc-allen/laravel-exchange-rates.