Christoph Rumpel's Pest Driven Laravel course now has a permanent home on Laracasts and is available to subscribers immediately:
Learn to write applications that are fully tested and a joy to work with now and in the future through TDD. Tests are the base for writing code that is easy to change, refactor and maintain. There is no reason anymore to be afraid to touch your own code. Following test-driven development establishes the mindset that integrates testing and refactoring in your daily workflow.
This course teaches you everything you need to know to be productive in writing tests in Pest PHP and Laravel. The course has over 6 hours of content across 48 episodes and covers advanced Pest PHP topics while it walks you through creating and testing a Laravel application with Pest. It is the second series dedicated to Pest PHP on Laracasts, joining Pest From Scratch, a series by Luke Downing that will introduce you to getting started with Pest PHP.
Laracasts announced on Friday that the course originally created by Christoph has a permanent home on Laracasts:
Pest has been heating up as the go-to testing framework for PHP and Laravel developers. Pest creator Nuno Maduro's Pest's "Spicy Summer" release builds on the momentum that Pest has been gaining, including snapshot testing, describe blocks, architecture testing, type coverage testing, and more. Now is an excellent time to start with Pest PHP and learn how it can boost your testing productivity in PHP and Laravel.
Related: Watch Nuno Maduro's "Pest 2 - Summer of Spice" talk from Laracon