PHPSandbox is a web app that allows you to quickly prototype or share PHP projects without setting up a local environment.
It's a pretty neat service because it allows you to test all kinds of things, such as the new "slim skeleton" in Laravel 11, or our Livewire Volt demo app, and even the new Laravel Prompts feature that Jess Archer demoed at Laracon.
Here are some more of the features PHPSandbox includes:
Preview on the go
PHPSandbox automatically provisions a permanent preview URL for your project so you can see your changes instantly.
Comprehensive Environment
Multiple PHP Versions, all PHP extensions you need, and a full-featured Linux environment.
Git and GitHub Integration
Import an existing public composer project from GitHub or Export your projects on PHPSandbox to GitHub.
The Composer integration allows you to use Composer in your projects while they ensure it keeps working.
Customizable Environment
Configure your environment to your liking. Do you want to change your PHP version or your public directory? No problem.
PHPSandbox is the perfect playground
The JavaScript and CSS ecosystem have had code playgrounds, but this is one of the nicest ones available for PHP. The base plan is free, and they have an upgraded professional plan for $6 a month, including private repos, email captures, and more.
But the base plan works great for quickly testing out packages and making demos of your next tutorial.

Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.