Laravel Pint


Easily create and manage your servers and deploy your Laravel applications in seconds.

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Lint and Fix Your Laravel Code with Duster image

Lint and Fix Your Laravel Code with Duster

Tighten's code linting and fixing tool Duster just reached its 1.0 release. Learn how to install, configure, and run Duster in your projects now.

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Laravel Pint image

Laravel Pint

The long awaited hype train is finally over, Laravels latest open source CLI app has been released and we got our hands on it to tell you all about it...

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Tinkerwell logo


The must-have code runner for Laravel developers. Tinker with AI, autocompletion and instant feedback on local and production environments.

Cut PHP Code Review Time & Bugs into Half with CodeRabbit logo

Cut PHP Code Review Time & Bugs into Half with CodeRabbit

CodeRabbit is an AI-powered code review tool that specializes in PHP and Laravel, running PHPStan and offering automated PR analysis, security checks, and custom review features while remaining free for open-source projects.

Cut PHP Code Review Time & Bugs into Half with CodeRabbit
Kirschbaum logo


Providing innovation and stability to ensure your web application succeeds.

Supercharge Your SaaS Development with FilamentFlow: The Ultimate Laravel Filament Boilerplate logo

Supercharge Your SaaS Development with FilamentFlow: The Ultimate Laravel Filament Boilerplate

Build your SaaS application in hours. Out-of-the-box multi-tenancy and seamless Stripe integration. Supports subscriptions and one-time purchases, allowing you to focus on building and creating without repetitive setup tasks.

Supercharge Your SaaS Development with FilamentFlow: The Ultimate Laravel Filament Boilerplate
JetShip - Laravel Starter Kit logo

JetShip - Laravel Starter Kit

A Laravel SaaS Boilerplate and a starter kit built on the TALL stack. It includes authentication, payments, admin panels, and more. Launch scalable apps fast with clean code, seamless deployment, and custom branding.

JetShip - Laravel Starter Kit
Laravel Forge logo

Laravel Forge

Easily create and manage your servers and deploy your Laravel applications in seconds.

Laravel Forge