Tailwind CSS V3 Is Now Released
Published on by Paul Redmond
Tailwind CSS v3 is here, the most significant release yet! This major version brings impressive performance gains, workflow improvements, and a massive list of features made possible by the Tailwind team.
The most prominent features mentioned on the Tailwind CSS v3.0 release announcement includes:
- Stable Just-in-Time Engine
- Every color out of the box
- Colored box shadows
- Scroll snap API
- Multi-column layout
- Native form control styling
- Print modifier
- Modern aspect ratio API
- Fancy underline styles
- RTL and LTR modifiers
- Portrait and landscape modifiers
- Arbitrary properties
- Play CDN
- and more...
On top of all that, the Tailwind documentation is all brand-new, with fresh, thoughtful examples and everything you need to start mastering Tailwind.
An in-depth look at what's new in Tailwind v3 by Simon Vrachliotis will get you up to speed on all the new features. Congratulations to the Tailwind team and community that worked hard on making this major release a huge success!