Laravel Microsoft Graph
Last updated on by Yannick Lyn Fatt
The Microsoft Graph is a powerful tool that allows developers to access and utilize the data from various Microsoft services, including Office 365, Windows, and security platforms.
Laravel Microsoft Graph, created by developer David Carr is a package that provides seamless integration with the Microsoft Graph REST API, making it easier for developers to interact with some of Microsoft's cloud services.
Key Features
The following features are currently available:
- Easy Authentication: Simplifies the OAuth 2.0 authentication process with Microsoft Graph allowing you to login as a user or as a tenant administrator.
- Auth Middleware: Restrict access to routes only to authenticated M365 users.
- Contact Management: Create, read, update, and delete user's contacts.
- Email Management: Access your inboxes, send and manage your email.
- File Handling: Work with OneDrive files and SharePoint documents effortlessly.
Installation and Configuration
First, install the package via Composer:
composer require dcblogdev/laravel-microsoft-graph
Next, publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcblogdev\MsGraph\MsGraphServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This will create a config file at config/msgraph.php
Then update your .env
file with the following credentials:
And then publish the migration:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcblogdev\MsGraph\MsGraphServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
Note: If you are using the Microsoft Graph as an authentication service you will also need to add a listener:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcblogdev\MsGraph\MsGraphServiceProvider" --tag="Listeners"
This will create app/Listeners/NewMicrosoft365SignInListener.php
with a default listener and then you can add it to your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider
public function boot(): void{ Event::listen( NewMicrosoft365SignInEvent::class, [NewMicrosoft365SignInListener::class, 'handle'] );}
1. Authenticating a User
use Dcblogdev\MsGraph\MsGraph; // Redirect user to Microsoft login pagereturn (new MsGraph())->connect(); // Handle callback after login$msGraph = new MsGraph();$user = $msGraph->get('/me'); return $user;
2. Sending an Email
use Dcblogdev\MsGraph\MsGraph; $msGraph = new MsGraph(); $msGraph->emails() ->to(['']) ->subject('Hello from Laravel News') ->body('This is a test email from Laravel News.') ->send();
3. Listing OneDrive Files
use Dcblogdev\MsGraph\MsGraph; $msGraph = new MsGraph();$files = $msGraph->files()->getFiles('/path/to/folder', 'me');# The second parameter determines whether to use your one drive or a Groups# $files = $msGraph->files()->getFiles('/path/to/folder', "groups/$groupId"); return $files;
If you are in the M365 ecosystem and using Laravel then the Laravel Microsoft Graph package could be an indispensable tool for you. Its simple API integration and user-friendly methods make it an excellent choice for Laravel projects requiring access to Microsoft Graph functionality.
For more information read the full documentation and view the source code on Github.