Last week the Laravel team released Telescope 1.0 along with official documentation:
We’ve tagged v1.0.0 of Laravel Telescope! Official documentation is now available on the Laravel website: ????
— Taylor Otwell ????♂️ (@taylorotwell) November 15, 2018
Since this announcement last week, a few updates have been tagged, and Telescope is currently at v1.0.3
at the time of writing.
The new documentation covers installation, configuration, and customizing the authorization gate that runs in non-local environments.
If you are not yet familiar with Laravel Telescope, the documentation summarizes it as follows:
Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework. Telescope provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, variable dumps and more. Telescope makes a wonderful companion to your local Laravel development environment.
Telescope is an application to assist you with local development, and you can even use it in production if you want. The documentation demonstrates how to run Telescope is select environments (i.e., only locally).
If you missed the Telescope announcement made at Laracon AU 2018 and you want to learn more about Telescope, check out our post Laravel Telescope Announced at Laracon AU – Laravel News. You’re definitely going to want to check out Telescope for an amazing local development debugging experience!