This year is coming to a close and to celebrate I put together this post of all the greatest hits each month. This features cool packages, news, and tutorials that came out over the year.
- Using OpenAI in Laravel
- Laravel Breeze adds dark mode
- Inertia V1
- How to Improve Your Laravel Application's Security Using a CSP
- Learn all about Laravel's dependency injection container
- Building APIs in Laravel
- Laravel 10 released
- Testing JSON:API Endpoints with PestPHP
- Laravel Pennant
- Getting started with PHPInsights
- 5 Underrated Filament Features
- Saloon v2
- Set up GitHub actions for your Laravel applications
- Sharing PHPCS Rules Across Projects and Teams
- Tighten Duster v1
- Laravel Response Classes
- Valet v4
- Building a Kanban Board with Laravel and Vue.Draggable
- 5 Tips and Tricks for working with the Laravel HTTP Client
- Pest v2
- Laravel Array Helpers every developer should know about
- Passwordless Authentication in Laravel
- Extending PHP 8.1 enums with attributes
- Pest Architecture Plugin
- Validated DTO Package for Laravel
- Laravel Expectations Plugin for Pest
- Learn about Form Requests
- Useful Laravel Date Scopes for Eloquent Models
- Class-based "After" Validation Rules
- String Acronym Laravel Macro
- Laravel Telescope Guzzle Watcher
- Going past Actions
- Top 10 Laravel Audit Security Issues
- Laravel LDAP
- Lemon Squeezy for Laravel
- Laravel Raycast Extension
- Statamic 4
- Laravel Octane Adds Support for Roadrunner v3
- Laravel Security Middleware
- Laravel Precognition
- FakerPHP Stripe Provider
- Add Strict Typing to Inline Variables in PHP With Strictus
- Working with third party services in Laravel
- Laravel Tailwind Merge
- New Rule::can() validation rule
- Laravel raw query output with Bindings
- RoadRunner Key-Value Cache for Laravel
- ddRawSql() officially added to Laravel
- PHP JSON Parser
- Pest Spicy Summer release
- Laravel Herd
- Laravel Folio
- Laravel Prompts
- Livewire 3, Volt, and Folio Tutorial
- Need to remove keys from an array or object? Use the data forget helper
- Filament v3
- Laravel Sushi
- Create Dashboards using Laravel Splade and Jetstream with SpladePanel
- PATH settings for Laravel
- Herd v1.2
- Livewire v3
- Laravel Jetstream 4.0 with Livewire 3 support
- Refactor with the PHP max() function
- Debugging Gateway Errors
- firstOrCreate() vs createOrFirst()
- Laravel Str::wordWrap()
- Laravel Collective HTML package is abandoned
- Livewire Tables
- Laravel Pail
- Laravel Bootcamp now has a Livewire track
- Laravel Ecommerce with Lunar PHP
- New Laravel News design and site launch
- Searching from terminal when using the vendor:publish prompt
- Laravel Breeze includes the Volt Functional API
- Bolt SQL is announced
- Laravel Splade
- Mailcoach Next
- Tinkerwell v4
- Laravel Pail
- New Nova Design
- Pest gets a stressless plugin
- Laravel Pulse
- PHP 8.3 released
- Filament v3.1
- Laravel Octane adds support for FrankenPHP
- Tailwind CSS v3.4
- New Spatie Image release
- How to process large CSV files with Laravel
Wrap Up
2024 is going to be exciting with the release of Laravel 11, and all the tutorials and packages that are sure to follow. A huge thanks to the community for sharing in 2023.

Eric is the creator of Laravel News and has been covering Laravel since 2012.